I, [Name and Surname], born on [date of birth] in [place of birth] and residing at [address], being of sound mind and aware of the gravity of the moment, hereby make this my last will to outline my wishes regarding my assets and final intentions.
PREAMBLE Having been informed that I am affected by ( ) , and aware of the risks to my health and life, I wish that my intentions be respected without hesitation or dispute.
- Universal Heirs: I leave all my movable and immovable property, bank accounts, and any other property or rights I hold to my loved ones listed below:
- To [Name Surname, relationship], I leave [specific assets or percentages].
- To [Name Surname, relationship], I leave [specific assets or percentages].
- To [Name Surname, relationship], I leave [specific assets or percentages].
- Donations and Charity: I wish to allocate [percentage or amount] of my estate to [name of charitable organization] to support [specific cause, if applicable].
- I wish for my funeral to be conducted in a [describe the desired form: religious, secular, private, etc.] manner.
- I want to be [buried, cremated], and for my ashes to be [specify location].
- I wish to be remembered with [specify any details, such as a memorial, a particular ceremony, etc.].
MEDICAL DISPOSITIONS Should my condition worsen:
- I consent to receive all necessary palliative care to alleviate pain.
- I do not wish to undergo treatments that artificially prolong life without the possibility of recovery.
EXECUTION OF THE WILL I appoint [Name and Surname] as executor of my will, entrusting them with the task of ensuring that my wishes are respected in every detail.